San Diego’s Primary Men’s Mental Health Treatment Center

Wings Recovery is a nationally recognized mental health treatment center that provides a distraction-free, safe, and conducive environment where men can effectively heal from trauma and other conditions. Our mental health and trauma therapy programs have allowed many men to recalibrate their health and wellbeing.

At Wings Recovery, we believe everything you need to thrive in life is already within you. Our goal is to help you discover it. Take the first step today.

Our Approach to Men’s Mental Health Treatment

Men often prefer to recover in the presence of other men who understand their experience and who can relate to their struggles. Our staff specializes in the issues you may be facing, which means you can heal in the company of others who “get” what you have been through and are also ready for things to change. You don’t have to endure this journey alone, as our staff will walk alongside you as you face the challenges that are keeping you from living life to the fullest. We are here to help you find your path again.

When you receive treatment with us, your assigned individual therapist will get to know you and your story and will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan. From your first session onward, we continue to evaluate your needs and help structure your treatment plan to meet those needs. Whether you are coming to treatment for trauma and PTSD, depression, relationship issues, or another mental health issue, your therapist will work with you to help you heal.

One of the many advantages of Wings Recovery is that if you stay with us through the continuum of care, you will be able to work with the same therapist. This means that you will not have to retell your story when you step down from residential treatment, and that you can easily continue on the progress you have made as you titrate down the amount of treatment you receive.

Our Treatment Programs for Men

At Wings Recovery, you will never be left to suffer alone. We believe that the individual attention and care you receive at our center is a crucial part of your successful recovery.

Residential Treatment Program

Wings Recovery’s residential treatment programs for men’s mental health are designed for individuals needing a safe haven for healing. Treatment includes four individual sessions each week by an established staff member specializing in trauma-focused therapy.

PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program)

Our PHP program is designed for men who have just completed a residential program and would still benefit from having a safe place throughout recovery, as well as for individuals admitting directly to a PHP level of care. With supported housing available or the option to live at home, this program helps clients start the transition back to their lives, while having crucial support from their caring Wings Recovery staff and peers.

IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program)

Men’s IOP treatment offers consistent, weekly support to those who have completed Residential or Partial Hospitalization Programs and are ready to embrace life’s challenges again. Some individuals admit directly to our IOP level of care. Clients who attend IOP need more than outpatient therapy to support their healing, but they are able to still work full time or part time while attending treatment.

Specializing in the Treatment of Trauma

Many treatment centers will say they are “trauma informed.” This umbrella term can be used to mean a lot of different things but doesn’t necessarily mean that your treatment staff has specialized training in trauma and PTSD. In fact, many individuals go to a center that claims to be “trauma informed” only to find out they are not receiving any trauma treatment and are instead told that they have to focus on other things (relationship issues, addiction, etc.) before they can treat their trauma.

At Wings Recovery, we believe the opposite. We believe that the treatment of trauma needs to be front and center. If you are ready to address your trauma, we are ready to help. Often, individuals avoid addressing the underlying trauma that is driving the distress, and this often leaves a client prone to relapse. The focus on the underlying issues and the attention to your day-to-day coping is where we spend the bulk of our time in treatment. Even if you haven’t experienced a serious trauma in your life, you may still be affected by relational trauma or family dynamics, and our goal is for you to heal from those experiences so they no longer have an effect on your life.

Wings Recovery provides several types of trauma therapy and we tailor our approach to your needs. We believe in both a top-down and a bottom-up approach to treatment, which means we teach both the skills to manage trauma symptoms (top-down) AND we work on removing the root of the trauma so that traumatic memories no longer bother you (bottom-up). This may sound hard to believe, that people can no longer be bothered by traumatic memories, but it is true! Complete trauma healing is possible. We know because we have seen it and we do it.

San Diego’s Primary Men’s Mental Health Treatment Center

Wings Recovery is a nationally recognized mental health treatment center that provides a distraction-free, safe, and conducive healing environment where men can effectively heal from trauma and other conditions. Our mental health and trauma therapy programs have allowed many men to find personal healing and to recalibrate their health and wellbeing.

Contact us today to connect with your inner strength and take that first step toward healing. At Wings Recovery, we believe everything you need to thrive in life is already within you. Our goal is to help you discover it.


Wings Recovery